About Us

In 1972, a man who moved his family from the North Washington District of Denver, to raise his family in a quiet resort mountain town, hired a young Biology major from Pittsburgh, and gave the young man, purpose, direction, and taught him a career that not only survives today; but continues to be passed along and birthed in generations of young professionals today.

We are a different kind of Company that is dedicated to serving people, in and out of our marketplace, as we try to be good stewards of this Company that was started by God, is owned by God, to serve the customers that God directs us to serve, in a manner that honors God.

The Company was thrust into business September 28, 1996; and named after Tom Evans, at the recommendation of a very wise customer from Jacksonville, Florida, whom God used to inspire our work to date. Nobody is perfect, least of all us, but our calling is, and has always has been, clear: We are to grow a Company that honors God in everything we do, grow young professional people and grow careers, so they can grow families and be ambassadors for Christ in our world.

We see our growing staff of sales and service folks experiencing prosperity that has come from the many challenges we face and get to see God’s provision of every solution of the needs of our customers and his people. That is what’s exciting and keeps us all enthusiastic about tomorrow. We are excited to see the growth of our young professionals and our leaders for tomorrow.

We have been blessed to see the fruits of our labor with customers and the various manufacturers we have worked for over the years. In every case, it is the people, one person at a time, that we feel the reward of servanthood. For everyone in our Company, our work is not a job, or a career, our work is a calling, and that is what is truly sustainable for our Company and people.

What does the future look like?

Life and business systems get more complex and competitive, and none of that matters if we are living a purpose driven life and Company. Customers are earned one at a time and kept on an every-day basis. Business is always earned. Our purpose is to plant seed, water the seeds we plant, harvest when the time is appropriate, and provide for others from the harvest we reap. At the end of every day, accomplishing the purpose for which we are called, provides the only satisfaction and encouragement for tomorrow’s walk. The road we will travel will always be found on high ground and be less traveled.

Thomas R. Evans - Principal Customer Servant
Tom Evans Environmental, Inc.